Jurusan Fisika, pertama lahir bernama jurusan Ilmu Alam, berdiri tahun 1965 di Batusangkar, Sumatera Barat Indonesia berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri PTIP No. 40 tahun 1965, 8 Maret 1965, disahkan dengan Keputusan Presiden No. 271 tahun 1965, 14 September 1965. Pada awal berdiri, Jurusan Ilmu Alam hanya mempunyai satu program studi yaitu Program studi Pendidikan Fisika.
Lulusan difokuskan untuk menjadi guru fisika. Pada tahun 1976, jurusan Ilmu Alam disahkan menjadi Jurusan Fisika. Pada tahun 1979, Jurusan Fisika mulai melaksanakan program S1, yang didalamnya ada program mayor dan minor. Pada tahun 1982 sampai dengan 1990 dibuka program D2 dan D3 Pendidikan Fisika. Mulai tahun akademik 1997/1998, seiring dengan persiapan alih fungsi IKIP Padang menjadi Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Jurusan fisika membuka program studi non kependidikan, yaitu program studi S-1 Fisika. Sampai saat ini, Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNP menangani dua program studi, yaitu Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, dan Program Studi Fisika.
Laboratorium Pembelajaran Fisika
Laboratorium Fisika Dasar
Laboratorium Geofisika
Laboratorium Fisika Material dan Biofisika
Laboratorium Fisika Elektronika dan Instrumentasi
Laboratorium Fisika Komputasi
Laboratorium Fisika Lanjut
Laboratorium Fotografi dan Workshop
Vision of The Department of Physics
In 2025, The Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNP, will become a centre for the development of education and strategic fields of physics based on faith and piety and produce graduates who are high academic achieving, professional, competitive, independent, marketable, and nationally and regionally recognized.
Mission of The Department of Physics
- To form a whole human being who is religious, pious, knowledgeable and technologically literate.
- To carry out the Tri Dharma (Three Pillars) of Higher Education to produce graduates who have good scientific abilities and are able to face a future full of changes and technological sophistication.
- To develop research groups in the Physics Department in carrying out the dharma of research in order to be able to carry out research in physics education and basic research in the field of physics and its application in an integrated national and regional level.
- To develop teaching models of physics for science and technology (IPTEKS).
- To strive for physics to be known and appreciated by all levels of society in the application of physics learning models and the application of physics for the welfare of society in order to carry out community service.